Here's a look at what goes into making the Dio-Stories.
An unedited picture from Episode 5, Captured!
Here's a print copy of that same Episode.

Though it's only one typed page, it took 31 pictures to help tell the story. It took around 7 hours to take the pictures and edit them. The print copy serves as a guide so I know what pictures need to be shot. And in that order. I then take those pictures and match up the written dialogue.
This was the set I made for End of Days: Episode 4, Road Rage parts 1 and 2.
I spend just over six months putting it together.
WIP pics . . .
I used sections of plexi glass for the base totaling 6'X12'.

For the plexi base I used the following to transform it into a road . . .

My kids helped with the painting . . .

The shiny one is turned over with an unpainted top. The second is sprayed with textured paint- one coat . . . .

Over the six months I collected bits and pieces- like casting fire hydrants . . .

The sidewalks were made from 1/4" plexi (With this project I tried to do everything on a budget, since the set was mainly done for the one Dio scene).
I used craft paint to do the lines in the street, and curb side. After I sprayed everything with a clear coat so the streets could stay outside without getting damaged.
Random shots. . .

I created six different building for the Dio . . .
Under construction . . .
Office building . . .
Speed shop . . .
Liquor store . . .
Pool hall . . .
Apartment building (in the alley you can see the Left 4 Dead crew. I shot a scene for the Dio-Story with them in, but wound up not using it).
Overview, with my nephew and son for size reference . . .

Overall I'm happy with the turn out, especially when considering that I made this for one Dio-Story Episode.
7-Eleven Dio for Episode 15 of End of Days.
The set is designed to come apart easily so the walls and parking lot can be reused.

Back shot...
My attempt at giving Duke a closed mouth- I didn't get to far with it, but I think, given more time to play around with the idea it could have worked....
My son asked why I make Dio-Stories. I told him it was my way of playing with action figures. I enjoy collecting them, and this is my way of interacting with them. Lucky for him he still has imagination enough to spend time sitting and playing "guys" on a daily bases.
Pics of the set from Episode 20....
Here are some pics I found from when I was working on EoD custom figures. These were never meant to be in the Episodes, but some represent early story ideas. I thought they were worth sharing...
Here's a couple shots of the roadway from Epside 25. The set is 2'X8' and features 18 vehicles.
Thanks to Meddatron for doing a fantastic job on the set for Episode 26....
Here's a look at the set for Episode 27....
From Episode 28...
Here is the original preacher custom for Episodes 32 and 33. I lost this figure and had to replace him.
Episode 35 dock set...
Shot of the Dio used for Episodes 37/38...